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MKAudio Class Reference

#import <MumbleKit/MKAudio.h>

Inheritance diagram for MKAudio:

Instance Methods


(id< MKAudioDelegate >) - delegate
 Get the MKAudio singleton's delegate.
(void) - setDelegate:
 Set the MKAudio singleton's delegate.
Starting and stopping

(BOOL) - isRunning
 Returns whether or not the MumbleKit audio subsystem is currently running.
(void) - start
 Starts the MumbleKit audio subsytem.
(void) - stop
 Stops the MumbleKit audio subsystem.
(void) - restart
 Restarts MumbleKit's audio subsystem.

(void) - readAudioSettings:
(void) - updateAudioSettings:

(MKTransmitType) - transmitType
 Returns the current transmit type (as set by calling setAudioSettings:.
(BOOL) - forceTransmit
(void) - setForceTransmit:
(BOOL) - echoCancellationAvailable
(void) - setMainConnectionForAudio:
(void) - addFrameToBufferWithSession:data:sequence:type:
(MKAudioOutputSidetone *) - sidetoneOutput
(float) - speechProbablity
(float) - peakCleanMic

Class Methods

Accessing the audio subsystem

(MKAudio *) + sharedAudio

Detailed Description

MKAudio represents the MumbleKit audio subsystem.

Method Documentation

- (BOOL) echoCancellationAvailable

Returns whether or not the system's current audio route is suitable for echo cancellation.

- (BOOL) forceTransmit

Returns whether forceTransmit is enabled. Forced-transmit is used to implemented push-to-talk functionality.

- (void) readAudioSettings: (MKAudioSettings *)  settings

Reads the current configuration of the MumbleKit audio subsystem into settings.

settingsA pointer to the MKAudioSettings struct the settings should be read into.
- (void) setForceTransmit: (BOOL)  enableForceTransmit

Sets the current force-transmit state.

enableForceTransmitWhether or not to enable force-transmit.
- (void) setMainConnectionForAudio: (MKConnection *)  conn

Sets the main connection for audio purposes. This is the connection that the audio input code will use when tramitting produced packets.

Currently, this method should not be used. It is a future API. Internally, any constructed MKConnection will implicitly register itself as the main connection for audio purposes. In the future, this will be an explicit choice instead, allowing multiple connections to live alongside eachother.

connThe MKConnection to set as the main connection for audio purposes.
+ (MKAudio *) sharedAudio

Get a shared copy of the MKAudio object for this process.

Retruns the shared MKAudio object.
- (void) updateAudioSettings: (MKAudioSettings *)  settings

Updates the MumbleKit audio subsystem with a new configuration.

settingsA pointer to a MKAudioSettings struct with the new audio subsystem settings.

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